Start your day on Castaway Cay with a burst of energy – sign-up to run the Castaway Cay 5K (3.1-mile) fun run.
The route
You’ll do a quick (or leisurely, if you prefer) dash from the start line through the trees until you reach an air strip, then break to the right for a ~1 kilometer detour through a bike trail, which loops you back to the air strip. You’ll proceed to t a marked turnaround point at the far end of the air strip of another roughly 1 kilometer distance, and back through the bike trail loop again, then back to the dual identity start-finish line, where you’ll pickup your ‘medal.’
There is a staffed water station at the entrance of the bike trail loop, giving you four passes at hydration (entering and exiting, twice). is there so you get
Some observations…
- DO register – it’s a free activity (included with the price of your cruise); they’ll then provide you the specific theatre and time to meet the morning of the cruise
- Rumors that racers are afforded earlier access to the island are somewhat exaggerated; by the time we debarked for the run, so were many of the non-running passengers
- The fun-run has a pre-run assembly and briefing in the theatre at 8 a.m., and starts closer to 9 a.m. or so
- It’s about a half-mile walk from gang-plank to start line
- This is a fun-run… and not officially timed. Or a fun-walk, fun-stroll… whatever you fancy. Our first cruise’s run coordinator indicated the race doesn’t really end until the ship is preparing to weigh anchor to depart
- It’s open for all guests 10 years of age or older (officially); if you have Littles, you have options…
- Bring them ashore and check them into Scuttle’s Cove (typically the on-board children areas are not open… much of the cast is ashore supporting guests there)
- Depending on the age, they can tag along (our 8-year-year old did the run, shhhh… we “donated” one of our race bibs to her and no worries)
- You’re in the Bahamas, so what may be a warm run elsewhere, in a humid environment, will feel even hotter. The race course is asphalt and mostly in direct sunlight
- There are no private showers on the island; if you need a full-on shower, it’s back to the stateroom — but time on the island goes FAST, so balance the need to shower versus running into the surf. (And, there are post-swim rinse-off showers near some of the restrooms if you *really* need water washing over you…)
On your mark, get set, fun!